098: How Do You Lead a Teenager to Jesus? Interview with Dr. Susan Booth

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Crossing the line of faith. Inviting Jesus into your heart. Repent and believe. Follow Jesus. There’s lots of ways that you can describe what it means to become a disciple of Jesus, but sometimes actually talking someone through those early steps of faith can be confusing. As a youth worker, you should feel confident in leading a teenager to Jesus at any point. That’s why today’s conversation with Dr. Susan will be a helpful tool for your ministry journey.


You can access the tool that Dr. Susan Booth has put together here.


We hosted an interactive Zoom call to discover more tools for championing evangelism in your youth ministry. On-demand replay and downloadable resources.


Learn more about the Canadian Southern Baptist Seminary and College through their website (https://csbs.ca/) or by emailing David at admissions@csbs.ca


Submit your youth ministry questions at youthministry.team.