We are collaboratively shaping the future of youth ministry
[with a two-year experientially integrated vocational education program].
Earn your MA or complete a BA with us. You’ll learn and grow through experiential learning, spiritual formation, academic excellence and intentional community, all while you stay in your ministry context. Join a cohort today!
As a student in the Coalition you’ll experience a dynamic way of learning that fits your life and ministry. This releases you to learn right where you are (in your current ministry context) and in the way you learn best.
Your Coalition experience will reflect the DNA of the Coalition focusing on building both your character AND competence.
In addition to your studies you’ll gain a network of like-minded practitioners, world-class instructors and “boots on the ground” coaches and mentors.
8 weeklong class experiences over 2 years (4 weeks per year)
These are informative and collaborative sessions that leverage a balance of in-person and virtual experience.
Assignments focus on real ministry skills and have direct application to your ministry context. These are not just “make work projects” rather, assignments focus on personal exploration, theological reflection and real resource creation that will propel your ministry forward (rather than simply check boxes).
Mentored Life
Your experience will be guided by ministry coaches, mentors and spiritual directors. The process focuses on developing rhythms that are dynamic and catalyze your own personal growth.
Learning Cohorts
You will learn in the context of a learning cohort; a group of vocational youth workers in a region you select. The genius of this experience is that you will learn in an intimate setting (groups of 5-20) where you will come away with more than knowledge, you will also gain people!
The Cost
Our goal is that the Coalition experience provides both educational excellence AND economic accessibility. We recognize that you are called to be a wise steward of the resources God has entrusted to you and we’re committed to making this experience as attainable as possible.
Coalition fees: $10,000 ($5000/year)
Additional costs include:
- Accrediting fees to whichever institution you choose. Depending on your level of study and the school you work with these fees range from $100 to $5000 for the entire program. We can help you choose an option that fits your goals.
- Travel (if applicable) to in-person meetings. You can choose from a growing number of cohort locations.
- Accommodations for in-person classes
The Coalition tracks with your real-time ministry experience. Learning happens as you live it every moment of the day. That said, classes happen for 1 week 4 times a year. Check out the tentative calendar of classes below.
CLASS OF 2023-2025
September 25 – 29, 2023 (Kelowna), October 2 – 6, 2023 (Winkler) – Personal & Spiritual Formation in Ministry – Dr. Marv Penner & Sid Koop
January 8 – 12, 2024 – Youth Ministry Management: Practices and Principles – Ginny Olson
April 8 – 12, 2024 – Thinking Theologically about Youth Ministry – Dr. Chap Clark
June 3 – 7, 2024 – World Views and Conversational Apologetics
September 23 – 27, 2024 – Understanding Today’s Youth Culture – Dr. Walt Mueller
January 6 – 10, 2025 – Counselling Adolescents and their Families – Dr. Marv Penner
March 31 – April 4, 2025 – Communication Skills for Effective Ministry
June 2 – 6, 2025 – Adolescent Faith Formation – Sid Koop
CLASS OF 2022-2024
Sept 26 – 30, 2022 – Personal and Spiritual Formation in Ministry – Dr Marv Penner
Jan 9 – 13, 2023 – Youth Ministry Management – Ginny Olson
April 17 – 21, 2023 – Thinking Theologically About Youth Ministry – Dr Chap Clark
June 5 – 9, 2023 – Worldviews and Conversational Apologetics – Dr. Randal Rauser
Sept 25 – 29, 2023 – Understanding Today’s Youth Culture – Dr. Walt Mueller
Jan 8 – 12, 2024 – Understanding Adolescents and Their Families – Dr Marv Penner
April 8 – 12, 2024 – Communication Skills for Effective Youth Ministry
June 3 – 7, 2024 – Issues in Adolescent Faith Formation – Sid Koop
CLASS OF 2021-2023
Sept 27 – Oct 1, 2021 – Personal and Spiritual Formation in Ministry – Dr. Cal Macfarlane & Dr. Marv Penner
January 10 – 14, 2022 – Youth Ministry Management – Ginny Olson
April 4 – 8, 2022 – Thinking Theologically About Youth Ministry – Dr. Chap Clark
June 6 – 10, 2022 – Worldviews and Conversational Apologetics – Dr Randal Rauser
Sept 26 – 30, 2022- Understanding Today’s Youth Culture – Dr. Walt Mueller
Jan 9-13, 2023 – Counselling Adolescents and Their Families – Dr. Marv Penner
April 17 – 21, 2023 – Communication Skills for Effective Youth Ministry – Lisette Fraser
June 5 – 9, 2023 – Issues in Adolescent Faith Formation – Dr Andrew Evans/Sid Koop
We’ve gathered some of the best voices in Youth Ministry, Leadership & Theology to invest in you at The Coalition. Your Cohort will have the gift of interacting closely with some of these incredible leaders as well as many others!

Ginny Olson M.A.

Dr. Marv Penner

Lisette Fraser M.A.
Dr. Walt Mueller

Susie Gamez M.A.

Dr. Chap Clark

Sid Koop

Dr. Randal Rauser

Steve Zacharias

Jeff Whye M.A.

Christine Kreisher M.A.

Erik Francisco Medina M.F.A.
We deeply value academic excellence. Each of the faculty who teach your eight courses have been carefully chosen for their expertise in the subject matter they deliver. Several colleges and seminaries have recognized the academic value of our program and have initiated partnerships with the Coalition that allow students to receive academic credit for their participation. Students may use their Coalition credits to account for a significant portion of an undergraduate (Bachelor’s) degree or may pursue a graduate (Master’s) degree.

Briercrest College
Caronport, SK

Calgary, AB

Columbia Bible College
Abbotsford, BC

Caronport, SK

Abbotsford, BC

Kairos Project
Personal + Spiritual Formation in Ministry
Dr. Marv Penner
This course will explore the central place of spiritual intentionality and growing intimacy with Christ as the basis for effective life and ministry. We believe that it “takes a disciple to make a disciple.” Designed to be experienced early in the program, it will provide apprentices with a pathway toward spiritual refreshment, deeper commitment to the Gospel, a passionate love for Christ, and disciplined living in the messy reality of day to day ministry. The course will be a blend of guided classroom learning and practical experiences in the spiritual disciplines, culminating in a 24 hour personal spiritual retreat. It is not intended to be a time of learning about intimacy, commitment and spiritual discipline. Instead, it is meant to be a time of actual intimacy, reflection, prayer, worship, meditation, solitude and nurturing community. As such, the course is meant to be intensely experiential and personal. Small groups will be established early on, and maintained throughout the course. Students should be prepared to fully engage in the exercises that will be planned for the sake of their own walk with God. It is anticipated that having experienced some of these lessons together we will have learned some things about pointing others in similar directions.
Youth Ministry Management - Principles and Practices
Ginny Olson
Thinking Theologically About Youth Ministry
Dr. Chap Clark
Worldviews and Conversational Apologetics
Dr. Randal Rauser
Understanding Today's Youth Culture
Dr. Walt Mueller
Counselling Adolescents and Their Families
Dr. Marv Penner
Communication Skills for Effective Ministry
Dr. Duffy Robbins
Adolescent Faith Formation
Dr.(candidate) Sid Koop
Youth Ministry Practicum I, II, III, IV - Skills and Competence
Guided by a ministry mentor.
Soul Shaping I, II, III, IV - a Shared Spiritual Journey
Guided by a ministry mentor.
One of the core values of The Coalition is intentional community and one of the ways we create that is by having you journey with a Cohort (aka an incredible group of fellow youth workers) through your 2 years. You’ll learn, grow, encourage, challenge and pray with each other making for a richer experience.
We have multiple Cohorts, in multiple locations happening at any given time.
When you apply to The Coalition, we help you connect to the Cohort that’s the best fit for you. We always have new Cohorts in new locations opening!
What's the next step if I'm interested?
Book a call with the Steve Zacharias 🎉
He will be able to answer any of your questions and walk you through the application process should you decide that you’d like to apply.
Youth workers.
Church youth workers. Camp youth workers. Christian school youth workers. Community youth workers. If you care about adolescent faith development then the Coalition is for you.
Some students take the program as a certificate simply to sharpen their leadership. Others use it to complete a Bachelor’s degree. And others still go through the Coalition because they are interested in getting their Master’s.
If you work with teenagers and want them to follow Jesus then you’ll love the Coalition. We have students who are involved in a wide range of youth ministry contexts and we are pretty convinced that the diversity is good for us all.
Also, some Coalition students are involved in ministry beyond just youth ministry. So if you are wondering if the Coalition fits you and your context the best thing to do is to book a call with Steve Zacharias.
Some of the expenses related to the program are fixed and identical for every student, but some costs vary depending on geographical location and desired program outcomes.
The basic tuition cost of the program is $10,000. $5000 each year for two years. This covers the cost of the eight classroom experiences and eight off-campus (experiential immersion) courses, which will be completed as part of your ministry apprenticeship.
Students taking the program for college or seminary credit may be required to pay additional fees to the school accrediting their courses. If you are interested in a breakdown of the various partners and their financial arrangements, please contact the Coalition office at coalition@youthworker.community.
Additional costs for textbooks, accommodation, and transportation will vary, depending on your personal circumstances. Students are responsible to find their own accommodation for any in person classes, but the Coalition team can help you find affordable options.
If you are taking the program for credit through one of our academic partners you may be eligible to apply for student loans. More information is available through the registrar’s office at each of our partner schools.
We also encourage each student’s employer to consider contributing or covering the cost of the program. If you’d like coaching on how to make that request please let us know! We have walked a number of our students through the process and would be happy to help.
WILL THE CLASS ASSIGNMENTS and ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS distract me from doing my current ministry?
The truth of the matter is that earning a degree will always be disruptive at some level. You don’t get the parchment for “just showing up.” A quality education will always require a degree of commitment and there will be a price to pay.
With that said, the class assignments are designed to take place in the regular routines of week-to-week ministry. This is not a program where you will be expected to spend hours in the library writing theoretical papers about ministry. You will be living out the assignments in the day-to-day realities of your ministry context and you’ll often discover that the assignments will be immediately utilized to help you in your work responsibilities. But you might have to skip rewatching The Office another time to focus on completing the program 😉.
I'm a rookie. How can I find a place to do an apprenticeship?
If you are not currently involved in a youth ministry that will allow you to do your apprenticeship, don’t lose heart. There are a number of churches, camps, campus ministry chapters, and other ministry contexts who have indicated a willingness to host an apprentice and provide supervision and support. We cannot guarantee an apprenticeship placement, as students will need to earn their placement by applying to the ministry that seems compatible with their sense of calling, but we will do everything in our power to help potential apprentices find a grace-filled learning community where they will be mentored, supported, and encouraged as they pursue their training.
Let us know your needs during the application process and we’ll start building some bridges for you.
Is the program accredited and can I transfer credits to another college or seminary?
The Coalition program is approved by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS) which is the accrediting body for most seminaries around the world. It is also approved and recognized by the Association of Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) which is the group that accredits Bible colleges across North America. This accreditation means that courses can be transferred into ATS and ABHE schools at the discretion of the registrar in each of those schools (assuming certain grade levels).
Can I audit a class without registering in the program?
We want to make this training available to as many front-line youth workers as possible. A limited number of seats will be available during each class week for people who are interested in taking a course as an auditor (This means a student just attends the classes, takes advantage of the learning experience, participates fully in the week the class is gathered, but has no expectation of completing the assignments or course requirements.) The cost for auditing a class is $750, and priority will be given to auditors who are coming to class with an apprentice who is registered in the program. (There may be times an apprentice would like to bring their supervisor, or one of the volunteers from their ministry to benefit from the classes)
Why are there multiple campuses?
One of the core values of The Coalition is intentional community and one of the ways we create that is by having you journey with a Cohort (aka an incredible group of fellow youth workers) through your 2 years. You’ll learn, grow, encourage, challenge, and pray with each other which makes the whole experience so much richer.
We have multiple Cohorts, in multiple locations, happening at any given time. Current and committed Cohorts include: Kelowna, BC, Moncton, NB, and Winkler, MB. There are new ones popping up all the time, so if you’d like one close to you just let us know when you book a call with Steve Zacharias.
The Coalition is a holistic, multifaceted vocational ministry equipping strategy.
Experiential Learning
We believe that the most effective way to equip practitioners is to provide them with a real-life context in which to learn and practice ministry effectiveness.
Your most significant learning will take place in the day-to-day messiness of real-life ministry For ministry rookies, a skills and leadership coach will accompany you every step of the way as you practice and master the competencies necessary for effective ministry. For ministry veterans, you will be assigned to a small cohort of equally experienced youth workers and be mentored by a seasoned faculty member who will guide your group to new levels of effectiveness.
At the heart of The Coalition’s training program is a thoughtfully structured, two-year mentored apprenticeship. Because pastoral ministry is a vocation that requires specific competencies, we believe that the most effective way to equip practitioners is to provide them with a real-life context in which to learn and practice ministry effectiveness.
Apprentices will serve in full-time ministry roles under experienced leaders who will guide them through a series of leadership development experiences and skill sharpening opportunities. The environments will vary depending on the specialty being pursued by the apprentice. Many will serve in the local church, but some will receive their training in the context of a community youth ministry organization (e.g. Young Life or Youth for Christ) while others could be trained on the staff of a camp or even in a Christian School environment, if that is where they feel called to serve. The apprenticeship path will be marked by carefully defined milestones, but the details of the apprenticeship will be left to the mentor and the apprentice to design and carry out.
Apprenticeships will not be approved unless a suitable mentor is available to provide the necessary guidance. The experiential component of this program is not a “tacked on” bonus but in fact represents the essence of what makes The Coalition different.
Spiritual Formation
It takes a disciple to make a disciple!
A spiritual companion/director will help prepare your heart for life in vocational ministry with a challenging two-year shared journey of spiritual practices and disciplines. We deeply believe that spiritual health and vitality is key to long term ministry effectiveness, so this component of the program is far more than an obligatory nod to a regular quiet time.
One’s walk with God must be the highest priority when preparing for spiritual leadership and vocational ministry. Successful youth workers understand that because of the intensely relational nature of their work, their own lives will be their most significant instrument of ministry to a generation that “listens with its eyes.” It takes a disciple to make a disciple! The assumption that spiritual formation automatically occurs as a by-product of formal biblical or theological education cannot necessarily be made. What we are talking about here is a matter of the heart, so curricular strategies alone will not suffice. Spiritual disciplines that seem manageable in the relatively predictable rhythms of campus life often prove to be much more difficult to manage in the mess and stress of daily ministry. We simply cannot assume that a Christian campus is “spiritual formation utopia.” Plenty of college and seminary students report that their classroom years are some of their most dismal when it comes to their intimacy with Christ.
Developing sustainable spiritual formation practices in a community as part of a ministry team is more likely to lead to long-term consistency. Over the course of two years a carefully designed program of spiritual disciplines, Bible reading and study, intentional conversations and grace filled accountability will be used to help each apprentice develop spiritual rhythms that are compatible with the stresses of full-time ministry. This part of the curriculum will be guided by a “spiritual companion” who will accompany the apprentice on the journey of spiritual growth and development.
Intentional Community
We believe the most effective holistic learning takes place in an environment of “iron sharpening iron” community.
Throughout your two-year learning journey you will be part of a faith community that is mission only committed to developing leaders. Not only are they the community where you will learn to serve, but they will be the cheerleaders that want you to succeed. Regional cohorts of fellow students will round out your experience of community.
We were created for community. When the scripture describes healthy human interaction it uses metaphors like that of the body (I Corinthians 12) or of “living stones” together comprising a temple (I Peter 2:5) in which the Spirit of God may dwell. The picture of “family” suggests a deep relationship and a healthy interdependence. We believe the most effective holistic learning takes place in an environment of “iron sharpening iron” community.
Because vocational ministry usually occurs in community it is important that the shaping of those preparing for such ministry be done in community as well. There are two specific expressions of community that are essential to the success of apprentices in The Coalition’s program.
The first crucial community is that of the church, parachurch ministry, camp, or Christian School where the apprentice is being shaped and sharpened. These bodies or families will be the real-life, messy, imperfect, flawed, but grace-filled environment each student is aspiring to serve. This represents the best place to practice emotional intelligence, relational interaction, healthy communication, conflict resolution, political savvy, and personal maturity – all necessary skills for a young leader to embrace.
The second crucial community is that of the cohort. Apprentices will share this journey with other aspiring young leaders, each of whom will be in their own learning environment. A combination of face-to-face and digitally facilitated gathering times will ensure that students can speak into each other’s lives in meaningful ways. The coalition will organize regional sub- cohorts so students will have access to their peers on a regular basis, in addition to the eight classes that the cohort will share over the course of their two-year journey. It is hoped that these cohorts will spawn lifelong friendships between participants.
These classes will be framed, not simply as a one-week content-driven intensive, but as a three-month focus on the topic being offered. In the month prior to the classroom component, students will be expected to do pre-course reading, online collaboration, case study preparation, real world research, etc. After the week in class the subsequent two months will be used to apply the material in the trenches of ministry where class assignments will be completed. They should be seamlessly integrated into the daily ministry of the apprentice.
Academic Excellence
Quarterly classes will be offered in Kelowna, BC and will be facilitated by some of the most respected leaders/thinkers/teachers in the discipline of next generation ministry.
Four times each year, the entire learning will gather in Kelowna to learn directly from the most significant ministry thinkers, writers and shapers in the field of Next Generation ministry. These one week intensive courses are a key component of the program, and can be accredited toward undergraduate (bachelor’s) for graduate (Masters) degrees through our academic partners.
While experiential integration and spiritual formation are recognized as key elements in the development of a vocational leader, the task of shepherding the next generation has become complex and specialized. The Coalition will provide eight rigorous College/Seminary level courses covering the most important content for youth and young adult ministry specialists. Quarterly classes will be offered in Kelowna, BC and will be facilitated by some of the most respected leaders/thinkers/teachers in the discipline of next generation ministry. These classes will begin with a Sunday night welcome reception and will then meet from Monday morning to Friday afternoon. This schedule will allow most apprentices to participate in their local Sunday services before leaving for the week and most will be home Friday night. Accommodation in Kelowna will be the responsibility of each student, however an attempt will be made to provide affordable bed and breakfast billeting for those who need it, or camp style housing at Green Bay Bible Camp with shuttle services to the class location.
These classes will be framed, not simply as a one-week content-driven intensive, but as a three-month focus on the topic being offered. In the month prior to the classroom component, students will be expected to do pre-course reading, online collaboration, case study preparation, real world research, etc. After the week in class the subsequent two months will be used to apply the material in the trenches of ministry where class assignments will be completed. They should be seamlessly integrated into the daily ministry of the apprentice.
Message us in the chat (bottom right!), or email coalition[at]youthworker.community