138: How Do You Make The Most of Each Part of Your Program? Part 5: Small Groups

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Alone. With middle schoolers. For an extended period of time?!? Most people’s worst nightmare… but you know it as small group time. The goal of your program is (hopefully) to disciple students to know, love, and serve Jesus for a lifetime. And small group is time that is set up for you to do just that. But how can you leverage it to be the best it can be? Sometimes as youth workers we can become so familiar with our program that we are blinded to how it could be more effective. We know that as volunteers there are enormous opportunities for us to help each part of the program be helpful for the core mission. Join Sid, Lisette, and Jer in the next episode of this series all about making the most of every part of your program!


Want to learn more shepherding, mentoring, and equipping as a leader? 

Check out They Smell Like Sheep by Dr. Lynn Anderson! 


Do you have a specific situation that you would love to talk more about? We would love to hear from you! You can connect with Jeremy via email at Jeremy@YouthWorker.Community

Submit your youth ministry question at youthministry.team.