006: What Do I Do When My Students Hate the Small Group Questions?

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Have you had weeks where the ice breakers are falling flat and staying on topic just seems like a chore? You aren’t alone. Leading conversations with students can be extremely challenging, and although the list of suggested questions is helpful, some weeks they just aren’t cutting it. What are you supposed to do when no one wants to answer the questions? Who even writes these things? Have they been tested in real small groups before? When your students have lost interest, bringing them back to an authentic conversation about real life and real faith feels like a lost cause.

Welcome to the Youth Ministry Team Podcast. Youth Ministries rise and fall on the team of volunteers, so this podcast is for the WHOLE team. Join the conversation as we tackle the practical questions you’re asking so you can be encouraged and equipped as you head into your role in your youth ministry this week.

We want to hear from you! Submit your youth ministry question at youthministry.team