058: What are the Differences Between Mental Health, Mental Disorders, and Mental Distress?

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With mental health at the forefront of our cultural conversation, you can get easily get overwhelmed trying to make sense of it all. How can you know what the teens in your group are talking about when they talk about their mental challenges? When is it the kind of challenges that require professional help? And where do you fit in as a youth worker? Join the conversation as this week you’ll learn from a Canadian clinical psychologist who not only has been working directly with adolescents and their families but is training school psychologists and many other mental health professionals on this important topic.

Dr. Kelly Dean Schwartz recommended the book Too Safe for Their Own Good as well as the website teenmentalhealth.org.

To learn more about how to practically respond to adolescent mental health challenges, join us at a CYWC Regional Trainingnear you.

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