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As a volunteer you know that you have a TON of priorities in your life. So when your volunteer role gets lonely, it can be challenging to know what to do. In fact, you’ve probably wondered if it’s time to walk away.
But before you make that decision, we think you should join Steve Zacharias in today’s conversation as he unpacks the three types of people you need in your life. Because there’s a good chance that the struggles you are facing could be solved in a surprising way.
Find out about YWC Coaching here: https://yw.gt1.siteservice.net/coaching
You can access the Orange Masterclass over here: https://thinkorange.com/orange-masterclass/creating-a-small-group-culture
Do you have a specific situation that you would love to talk more about? We would love to hear from you! You can connect with Jeremy via email at Jeremy@YouthWorker.Community
Or you can submit your youth ministry question at YouthWorker.Community/Podcast.