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A student in your ministry experiences a loss… What should you say? What shouldn’t you say? What should you do? Is there a right way to process grief? What do you do when a student uses their losses as a means of generating more attention?
These are big questions and worth processing with someone who has professionally trained lots of folks for ministry in even the most difficult of circumstances. Dr. Dorothy Hunse from Acadia Divinity College joins us today to answer these questions and more! No matter where you’re at, you are wonderfully positioned to be helpful in walking with your students through grief.
Dorothy also wrote a blog post about grief and loss, and you can check it out here: https://yw.gt1.siteservice.net/what-is-grief/
Want to be more equipped? Check out the following resources from Alan Wolfelt:
Center for Loss & Life Transitions
Counseling Skills for Companioning the Mourner
If you’d like more ideas on how to equip your youth ministry team to walk with students through grief and loss you should join us for a webinar with some of the experts from Acadia Divinity College. Register now at this link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqd-qprD0jHtDQwfTxzGxKDFisMH74Mswn
Acadia Divinity College’s Master of Arts degree is designed to equip you for leadership roles in church and society. This program contains foundational study in Biblical studies, Christian thought, a broad introduction to ministry, and an opportunity to specialize in an area of ministry interest, such as Next Generation Ministry or Pastoral Care and Counselling. Learn more at www.AcadiaDiv.ca
We want to see YOU in person during our On The Road tour. You can keep up to date with our plans and pivots here: https://yw.gt1.siteservice.net/ontheroad/
Submit your youth ministry question at youthministry.team.