Helping Students Prepare

for Post-Secondary

Learn to think strategically about how you help students as they graduate from your ministry. We know from research that what you do as they move on may have a more significant impact on their long-term faith formation than the previous years in your ministry. Power to Change (P2C) Students is a partner with us to bring you these resources.



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One of the great ways you can support your students this season is by connecting them to great scholarship funding. For example, our friends over at Power to Change – Students are offering a national bilingual NEXT Steps Scholarship for those heading off to post-secondary. (43 awards totaling up to $30,000)

Looking for even more information about post-secondary education in Canada? Explore our Virtual Christian College and University Fair.

Apply for the P2C NEXT Steps Scholarship.

Find a local ministry at their campus and help them sign up to get connected to a local campus ministry, via

Replay the webinar for incoming students.

Every Student Sunday.
Involves prayer and sending students in a commissioning element of your church service mid-August (ideally August 22nd).

Subscribe to the NEXT initiative’s Grade 12 and incoming students' emails from P2C-Students.