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If you follow your students on social media, you might have realized that some struggle with hypocrisy. That is, they talk and act a certain way when they are part of your ministry and then a completely different way once they walk out the door. This kind of double living can be extreme, but it can also be fairly mild. Sometimes there’s teenagers that are known for their faith while at your ministry, but you’d be hard pressed to find anyone at their school that knows they are a Christian. How do you help them bridge the divide that can exist between your youth ministry and the rest of their week?
Special thanks to this episode’s sponsor, Trinity Western University. Their mission is to develop godly Christian leaders: positive, goal-oriented university graduates with thoroughly Christian minds; growing disciples of Jesus Christ who glorify God through fulfilling the Great Commission, serving God and people in the various marketplaces of life. They are passionately committed to helping you discover how to be fully and faithfully present in the world and to play a vital role in God’s work of healing, hope, and renewal. Learn more about this leading liberal arts university with campuses in both Canada and the USA at TWU.ca
Submit your youth ministry question at youthministry.team.