Have you ever seen a car pulled off at the side of the road, a person struggling while carrying a heavy load, or someone in an emotional crisis? Researchers have discovered that there are typically 4 steps involved in your decision to help…
- You take notice that someone may need help.
- Through further observation, you realize that the person really needs help.
- In light of the need and your ability to meet it, you assume the responsibility for helping.
- You make the approach and offer to help.
At any point in the process, if you are unable to continue to the next step, ultimately, the help will not be offered and you won’t engage.
When it comes to the students we have the privilege of working with, our relationships can often be found somewhere in this journey.
The Bible is clear that all of us qualify for step 1 (noticing someone in need). As Romans 6:23 says, “All of us have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory.” However, our recognition of that reality differs from person to person. Part of our role in working with students is to help them become aware of their own need for intervention from God. This is not done through condemnation or judgment, but by guiding them to listen to the conviction of the Holy Spirit as he speaks into their lives. As they become open to the fact that help really is required (step 2), we are able to proceed.
At this moment, ministry diverges from other everyday interventions. In Step 3, the person assumes responsibility for helping but in ministry, we are not helping to meet needs out of our own strength, rather we’re acting as a conduit for the work of God in their lives. As waiters, we take the orders to the kitchen, and trust that the one in charge will meet the requests in his way and timing.
It is at this point that our calling comes alive! We must never forget that our roles are ultimately not just to plan events or work out strategies, but rather we are the hands and feet of Jesus helping students to begin or restore life-changing, eternity-altering relationships with him.
And so today, take some time to consider which stage you are at with your students.
How aware are you of their needs and concerns? Even the ones that are hard to spot?
In what ways are you surfacing their need for God?
How can you inspire them to become more aware of his love for them today?
How do your various ministry initiatives meet the unique needs of your students?
When was the last time you intentionally engaged with a student to motivate them to move forward in their relationship with Jesus?
What could you do TODAY to help a student in need?
If you think about these kinds of questions as it relates to your ministry than you are exactly the kind of person who will benefit from the Youth Ministry Online Summit.
Two events. One for youth ministry staff. One for youth ministry volunteers.
The most thoughtful and strategic speakers we know are presenting to Canadian youth ministry staff on August 19. Here are a few of them you won’t want to miss…
Kristen Ivy from Orange
Vince Parker from Life.Church
Mark Matlock, coauthor of Faith for Exiles
On September 12, there will be practical training that will unite and inspire your whole youth ministry team, covering topics like:
How do we help teenagers in crisis?
How do we lead a small group?
How do we model spiritual disciplines?
How do we become healthy Youth Workers?
Both events will cover the most important things pertaining to ministry this fall.
To find out more, click on the banner below.